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San Pedro, Laguna, Philippines

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Cancer Stick.

How come people smoke? What do they get from it? Some say that the nicotine is addicting, but for others its the smoke that keeps them breathing. When I was young, I thought that a cigarette was part of a meal. Because after eating, most of the smokers would light one up. Every time I asked my parents about it they would just say that its for grown ups, and its bad for kids. 

When I was still living in Canada, my friends and I would always hang. We would go to this area in our village that looked like a forrest and just do bike tricks and share stories. One time, my friend had a pack of cigarettes on him, and told us that we should try it. Haha. Silly kids do a lot of stupid things, and of course, peer pressure. So, I got the pack, opened it and boom! We were smoking in no time. I took my first drag, and didn't know what to feel. I just said to myself.. Damn, how cool am I? Haha. But then, after a couple of hits, I didn't see what was the big hulabaloo over smoking, and it didnt taste good. Maybe my parents were right after all, maybe I had to be old enough to get the point of smoking.

Now, not a day goes by without it. Different kinds too. Are you a Marl Red? Gold? or Black? I think it describes the personality of a person in what kind of cig they buy. If your reds, then your a true cowboy / tough SOB. Gold, your that average jo that goes with the flow, and black if your the cool type. (of course, thats what I smoke.) Haha. Every smoker has their own tricks when playing with the smoke. You can blow perfect circles, the smoothest bridge, and like my uncle, heart shaped smoke. It's pretty awesome. See, people today are so much different. I know some that they smoke like there is no tomorrow, others smoke occasionally. My friends dad will not survive without it, he tried to quit but then he got sick, I think his body got used to it and wont function without the smoke. Its their guilty pleasure. A cigarette is like a friend, it will not leave you until  the end.. 

The only vice that you can have anywhere. If people can smoke pot legally, I think they would, because its healthy, its Herbs. HAHA. But thats a different story. I'll try to write about the sweet ganja next time. 

I feel like a hypocrite. Im having one as I write this. It helps me think about stuff and to get relaxed. Its like an anti-stress pill, its one of the reasons why people today smoke a lot. Its the ultimate partner of alcohol, like strawberry jam and peanut butter. They look and taste good together, they bring out the best in each other. Haha. Going back to my story, now, I understand why we smoke. Haha. I guess that makes me a grown up then. We smoke to get away from reality. To have this different kind of feeling that makes us complete in a way that gives us the edge that we look for. Well, thats what I feel when I smoke. I know it doesn't make sense, but sometimes you just have to feel it to understand. Right? Its not about looking cool anymore, its a whole new ball game.

At the end of the day, its just an ordinary cancer stick. We will die because of it, but... at least we go away smiling, knowing what we did made us happy, and thats the most important part in life. Haha.

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